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Information about Mentat.

The ability to become a Mentat was a talent limited to a small number of peoplethusthose with the discipline were prized in whatever role they chooseThere are also varying degrees of abilityA Mentat’s capabilities can be greatly increased by taking sapho juicebut using it leads to addictionSapho is extracted from the root of the Ecaz tree and its use doubles or even triples the Mentat’s immense processing powerHoweverrepeated use turns the user’s lips a shade of red.

In the aftermath of the Butlerian Jihadcomputers and other forms of thinking technology were made obsolete due to the OCB’s commandment against thinking machinesThou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mindandat the same timethe anti-AI laws had been placed in effectthe punishment of owning such AI device or any kind being immediate deathHuman computersalso known as Mentatstrained as replacements to the mechanical thinking technologyjust as the all-female Bene Gesserit and the Guild of Navigators took up the same functions that had been previously covered by the Thinking Machines prior to the Jihad which banned all thinking technology.

The exact origin of the Mentat’s order is outlined in Frank Herbert’s ChapterhouseDune novel and it is attributed to Gilbertus AlbansIn the Legends of Dune novels by Brian Herbert and Kevin JAnderson Albans was trained by the thinking machineErasmus.

Thusthe Mentat system is a platform enabling to unify the collation and subsequent processing and managing of various detected security events coming from a wide range of different detection systemsPrior to developing our own custom solution we tested the existing open source SIEM systemse.gPrelude SIEMHowever we ended up implementing our own solution that reflects our needs the best.

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